Monday, December 27, 2010

Colmillos y dientes

Luz fría, corazón hirviente
Un amanecer más, un peso menos
El alma sale del pozo
El infierno es lo de menos
La luz cepilla el polvo
De quienes alguna vez fueron
Y nos quedamos solos
En medio de un día hermoso
Con ganas de gritar...

¿Estás seguro?

Algunos silencios muerden

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Al final del día

Estoy un poco cansada,
emocionalmente abusada,
mentalmente hastiada,

No puedo hacer una llamada
Sin ser sometida a la tortura del fracaso.

A veces pienso que tu y kafka
se conocieron
Y me Inscribieron juntos
Ante la ley.

No quiero que te acabes
Tampoco que me alabes
Pero te pido
Te pido
Que dejes de agujerearme
Con tus palabras de hierro

Por favor.
Con amor.

(Ytaelena Lopez, 2010)

Imagen: Indian Beauty, 2010, Acuatinta en papel.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

dissecting the creative process: Chocolate's visa

How I do a painting?
I will show you the process, step by step.
Usually I work with live models or I gain the confidence of a interesting people (with food or alcohol or good conversation) and then I do a portrait.
But this painting was created as a product of meditative process that took several weeks.
It is why I will use this painting as example.

"Visa con chocolate"
By Ytaelena López
Mixed media in Fabriano paper


do a simple draw with pencil in Fabriano paper.
I set the color and technique that I will use for the skin: blue and pink watercolor. This is as a reference, only.
Then, I work in the visual focus of the painting: the eyes. I work with watercolor Ink and I use a masque for protect the white parts.

Working in Dans portrait


Then I worked with the watercolor:
I did the loose lines in blue, then pink.
The lines follow the patch of the muscle... well maybe no. Maybe I did because I fell in that way, jejeje.
The same with water... I paint mostly with water.
Then the tenths with ink and then the lips with red pen ink. Before applied red I used a acrylic transparent glossy mask. ;)
And the eye again! Acrylic brown (? I don't remember the mix) is perfect for Dans eyes.

Working in Dans portrait


Now it is the turn to play with blue, sorry, shadows.
Up do down: the watercolor dripped for the forehead to the down, in the shirt.
The blue color is color river that expanded and mixed, though the water's magic.
Then, the hair... an expresso coffe is mixed with sepia, then brushed, and then... mmm!
I like it!

But It's not ready yet

Working in Dans portrait

FINAL STEP (I jump some :S)

At least! the final version of "Visa with chocolate"

After correct the "Marilyn Monroe"'s dyed that I did in the hair with Prussian washes and finish the arm with the same technique that I used in the face, there is a lot of work remain.

1- The background:
If we are portraying a baker, the background should be a kitchen. I do the sketch of the kitchen in hard pencil.
But I don't want to steal attention to the main figure. I do the shadow with washes, using coffee infusion and the dirty water that I used for clean the brushes.
Then, when the paper is dried, I do all the background with lines, using fluorescent metallic and sparking Sakura ink gel pens.

2- The focal point: the cake (+the knife)
I always keep the space for the knife clean since the beginning, using masque liquid. Now I retired the masque and I do the lines with black ink.
The cake was already settle, too. I put a copy of a H1B Visa (American work permit for non immigrants aliens) in the cake, using medium acrylic gel. Then I cover with modeling paste (already tinted with brown acrylic), that looks like chocolate glazed. I put that "chocolate" in the knife, too. Then, some black and golden ink washes in the cake and... VOILA!

The chocolate visa's cake is ready to eat!

Visa con chocolate

La chica de los rizos anónimos

La chica de los rizos anónimos
Originally uploaded by alrevez

Ytaelena Lopez

Acrylic on paper
By Ytaelena López

Retrato realizado en menos de 1 hora,
con la modelos posando frente a mí,
luego de un par de cervezas
bajo una luz pobre
en el block de acuarela que uso para bosquejos.

No voy a decir que es mi mejore retrato, pero es bastante bueno, tomando en cuenta las circunstancias. Me gusta.
De paso, los colores me recuerdan a mi infancia en los ochenta.
¡Espero que lo disfruten!

Monday, July 06, 2009


Dreamer of the sea (by Yta). Mixed media

No confunde el hambre con las balas
No sale a marchar por el pan
No deja de llorar al recuerdo del calor.

La verdad,
Le hacía más feliz la mesa bien servida porque no es agradable sentir el humo del estómago achicharrándose con el ácido del plomo recién digerido.

La verdad,
Le gusta escuchar la radio para no oír la sirena persiguiendo a los herederos de la miseria que corren por las calles de cartón mientras gritan por su vida drogados de odio.

¿De quiénes son los alaridos?
Luces rojas brillan desde la montaña cañón mientras hago papel maché con los restos de mi esperanza. ¿Quién la necesita cuando el ácido del hambre no te deja digerir tu último trozo de dignidad?

No le interesa
Si pudiese vivir encerrado en la vistosidad del araguaney ya se hubiese cortado como un gesto de patriotismo.

(Poema y dibujo de ytaelena lópez)